Friday, March 7, 2008

zzzPhone collect your phone itself!

zzzPhone collect your phone itself!

Do you like the idea to buy the phone, which will not be analogues no one in
world? Then zzzPhone novelty for you. However, total personalization not affect the appearance of the vehicle, it is not built into the melody and pictures, electronic aego stuffing. Manufacturers will enable select literally every functional element of the phone.

In the basic version, which refers to the special 3 - inch VGA display, and 3 - megapixel camera, zzzPhone costs just $ 150, and for an extra fee you can add a GPS receiver, 5 - or 7 - megapixels camera, protection against ingress moisture, a large battery and even a built-4 GB of memory.

Maybe you want to make it Communicator and put him on the Windows Mobile? No problem! Or want to have a slot for several SIM cards? Your desire Act! Change consists of more than 10 positions. Do not be worried that the phone originally from China. His production is a certain American company, whose name has not yet been clarified. She just has its own factory in China, and in the production of high quality materials are used. I could not even change the appearance zzzPhone, but you can always choose the color of its hull.

In short, an original and, in our view, quite promising idea. Hopefully, that the major mobile phone manufacturers will adopt it.

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