Thursday, March 13, 2008

Technology interface standard Bluetooth and Wi-Fi

So far, very many mobile phones, smartphones and communicators Standards support Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Two of the Protocol can work independently of each other, while mobile device carries out other operations.

Today, the ad hoc group Bluetooth SIG announced the development of new techniques Bluetooth protocol acceleration when part of the data transmitted over the Wi-Fi standard, already affordable in many modern models of mobile devices. It should be noted that the new method is in no way relates to ultra-wideband technology UWB (Ultra Wideband), the development of which has in the past few years.

The authors of a new technology called Alternate MAC / PHY, the standard will be a temporary solution until finally published the technical details of a protocol developed by UWB. The essence of technology is as follows. When there is no need to use high-speed, the device will work on pure Bluetooth. When it becomes necessary, for example, to send a large file size printer connects Wi-Fi protocol, which works at much higher speeds. The final standard specification Alternate MAC / PHY will be published in mid-2009.

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